Dostava cvijeća Split i okolica

Flowershop Ilaria

Besplatna dostava za narudžbe iznad 30€

Zašto cvjećarnica Ilaria?

Besplatna dostava s pažnjom i oprezom na području Splita za narudžbe iznad 30 €

Preko 14 godina iskustva u poslu sa cvijećem

Flowershop Ilaria

Cvjećarnica Ilaria nudi dostavu cvjetnih aranžmana na željenu adresu na području Splita. Dostava cvijeća za Split i okolicu može biti dostavljena svaki dan u tjednu i u bilo koje vrijeme dogovoreno prema  narudžbi. Cvijeće dostavljamo:
to a home address
to a business adress
 to the hotel
in the hospital
to the cemetery

Ilustracija kamiona koji dostavlja nešto. Uz kamion se vidi sat koji simbolizira vrijeme

Naše usluge

Flowershop Ilaria offers a wide selection of bouquets. In the gallery you will find exclusively our works, and we make bouquets according to your guidelines. Do you like the bouquet but not the price and size? Contact us and we will be happy to adapt to your wishes and needs.

One of the growing trends in the flower industry is the flower box. Why not go a step further, and instead of a traditional bouquet, choose one of our floral works in a box? Choose your favorite flowers and let us create the perfect floral arrangement.

The most popular and sought after flower in the world is the rose. The magic of roses is the ideal solution for expressing love, respect and passion, and we guarantee - the queen of flowers leaves no one indifferent. A bouquet of roses is created according to the number of roses you want. 

Buketi od tulipana su osvježavajući izbor za razne prigode, uključujući rođendane, proslave, ili kao gesta ljubavi i zahvalnosti.

Kombinirajući različite boje tulipana, stvaramo bukete koji odražavaju različite emocije i poruke.Tulipani su prilično izdržljivi cvjetovi, pa stoga buketi od tulipana mogu dugo trajati i ostati svježi u vazi.

The most beautiful part of working with flowers are weddings. You can find the solution for your wedding story with us. We strive to create a wedding fairy tale in which we idealize every element down to the smallest detail. Wedding is the most special day in the life of every woman, and in the many of decorative elements, the wedding bouquet is definitely the most popular. We approach the decoration of the hall and the decoration of the newlyweds' table individually, and we choose the design, visual identity and flowers according to the season and your personality.

Flower arrangements and wreaths are one of the most common ways people say goodbye to deceased family members, friends and acquaintances. In the gallery are some examples of our work. We offer a wide range of arrangements for cemeteries of various sizes, shapes and colors. Of course, we make arrangements according to your needs, wishes and possibilities.

Flowershop Ilaria offers you the service of decorating your gifts, whether it is gifts for birth, baptism, wedding, birthday or other occasions. Giving doesn’t have to be expensive. Sometimes it is enough to give a small gift and show with it that you care about someone and that you think of him / her.

Valentine's Day is a day of love!
The symbols of Valentine's Day are hearts, red roses and love. Valentine's Day has a tradition of giving your loved ones flowers, and we offer you bouquets of flowers, roses, flower boxes and all the other little things that symbolize love.

Christmas is the most beautiful part of the year, full of warmth and positive emotions. We are here to help you decorate a Christmas tree, holiday table or decorate your home to radiate a holiday, fairytale spirit. 

…i sve ostale sitnice vezane uz

cvijeće, ukrašavanje i dekoriranje...

If none of the above, make any choice. 🙂